Wednesday 9 June 2010

Sleep deprivation failed to work

Well. I almost succeeded in switching back to my normal schedule and sleeping at night. I managed to stay awake until 3pm before going to sleep, and probably could have slept until 3am since I had been awake for 24 hours. But...then our landlord called me around 5 wanting to come at 7 for rent. = So, I fell back asleep for about an hour then woke up to get stuff together for her, and have been awake ever since. It's now 4:30am. So in the last....36+ hours I have gotten.. 3 hours of interrupted sleep. I'm going to end up falling asleep in a few hours here and probably not be able to wake up until this afternoon...and then be awake all night again. urgh. Maybe I can get Tim to drag me out of bed no later than noon and keep me busy all day so I can go to sleep at night tonight. I'm gonna have to...I have to leave to pick Robin and Ashley up at the airport at 6:30, which means I'll wake up at 5:30. These next couple days are going to be long....lucky me gets to ride an hour long bus ride twice tomorrow morning.
Well, since I am awake right now, might as well get the last of the cleaning done. Oh, joy.
I'll write more later, and try to make it happy. =) My next one should be happy, will probably be after Robin and Ashley are here!! I am so excited to hang out with them!

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