Monday 21 December 2009

Christmas Time is here!

I know, I've been slacking again. It's been really busy this time of year with the holidays.
We had another big(ish) thanksgiving this year with friends and some of the single guys from Tim's platoon. There was lots of food of course! & I made my first thanksgiving turkey.. I think that's a milestone event isn't it? I had Tim carve it, he was afraid of breaking it *rollseyes* because it was so pretty, he's silly. Also made honey glazed ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, & pumpkin cheesecake.
Another thing that happened since I last posted is we got a beagle puppy, he was 2 months old, and very very cute! We named him Ralphie, like from "a christmas story". Well, things didn't really go well with that, turned out he had distemper..he died a week after we got him. =( That was really hard on us because it happened really fast.. He got sick on friday so I took him to the vet, they tested him and there was a faint possitive for distemper, they told me to keep an eye on him and if he gets worse to bring him back, Tim found him dead saturday morning. Poor little guy.. we know there wasn't anything we could have done, he had it before we got him.
Since then, nothing eventful has really happened. Tim's been working night shift this month, and this week he's working half days before he goes on christmas break thursday!
We're really excited for christmas! We plan on just staying home that morning and afternoon, just the two of us.. opening gifts and making dinner. Then our anniversary will be on the 29th, we're going to a korean movie theatre to watch New moon. =) We haven't been to an actual theatre in korea yet and we hear they are amazing, they're technology here is just so much better then in america, I guess we will be the judge of that! No plans for new years eve yet, probably will spend that with friends.. A lot of our friends leave the first couple weeks of January =( we'll only have a couple left after that.. our best friends left in october.
Anyways, nothing else really, I'll update again after the holidays!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

lovin' the wheather!!

I'm getting a little better at this huh! My life has gotten a lot less hectic recently so I actually have time to keep up with this thing.
Tim is back in system so he is working day shift(8am-8pm), he's working today and has tomorrow and Friday off, then works Saturday & Sunday and then has the next three days off after that. It gets confusing sometimes but that's the army! He's been really exhausted lately since Monday they went to the field they had to draw weapons at 4, which means he had to wake up at 3 after working late Sunday night, I believe he said he slept for 3-4 hours. He has to wake up at 5 to go to p.t. by he's pretty worn out. I'm sure these next days he has off he's just going to want to sleep.
I've really been thinking lately about looking for a job. The only reason I'd been waiting before was because we were supposed to be moving down to Carrol so I didn't want to even bother, then we went on vacation, but now that we're back and we know we won't be moving to Carrol until next summer.. I really think I should get a job. We could use the money since we're looking at buying a car and we want to take an MWR trip. I'm not even sure that there's anything available.. the only thing that they probably have here is either the commissary or px as a cashier.. but I'm not even sure that they'd have anything because it seems they already have more then enough employees. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens, I'll keep ya'll posted.
Anyways, I need to go sweep and mop because our landlord is coming over... and our floors are pretty dirty!


Thursday 24 September 2009

09-24-09; Fall is fiiiinalllly here!! YAY!!

It is such a beautiful day today, I felt the need to write about it!!!
Fall is here, finally! I woke up today at around 6am, started some coffee and went to check my email.. our computer is on the East side of our building so we can get a perfect view of the sun rising from here. I glanced out the window and realized there was a bit of fog so I opened the window to see how it felt outside. The moment I opened the window I got this gush of cool, fresh air! It was wonderful! Not really that cold, maybe to some people..but this is my kind of wheather so it's beautiful to me! I can't wait to finish my breakfast and take a shower so that I can go for a walk! I can't wait to be fully emerged in the beauty of this day.

Sorry to those who follow this blog, I've been absent for a while was a busy summer with Ashley coming to visit us for almost a month and then going home to family for a was a GREAT summer! One of the best times we've had together..
While we were home we spent a lot of time with family, Tim spent EVERY DAY with his best friend Greg.. we went camping, went to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, spent a lot of time just hanging out with family and friends. I miss it already, have to wait another 9 months(at least) until we can see them! We're not sure if we'll visit home between transitioning to our new duty station, or if we'll have to wail until later.
As of right now, our tour is subject to change from 2 years-to 3 years(boo..I know) because just this month I believe they made accompanied tours automatically 3 years, but since we got command sponsored a few months ago we don't really fall under that rule but it's still subject to change. Anyways, we'll know maybe within the next 6 months.. our luck they'll probably tell us the month before we're supposed to leave that we have to stay another year.
Right now, we're just trying to enjoy our time here the best we can! Hoping to go on an MWR trip sometime. They organize tours to different places that surround here, e.g., China, Thailand, austrailia, etc.

Anyways, I need a shower, I stink! ;)


Thursday 23 April 2009

April 23, 2009

First things first, I am an auntie!!!! =) Sooo excited about this. Margaret gave birth to her first child, Elena Lupita Howell on April 20th at 9:55 A.M. She is 7lb 12 oz, 21in long. She is just so precious and beautiful! I cannot wait to meet her in July!! It's really quite frustrating only being able to see pictures of her.
Tim and I have been quite busy lately. He's been working almost every day for the last 12 days..the beginning of last week he had warrior stakes on mon-tue, it's a huge competition between all the companies at CRC to challenge them physically, he had several different races and ruck marches. So, that just drained his energy completely. Then he had to work shift the rest of the week and now this week he's started softball practice.
I've been busy trying to keep him happy, and take care of things. We just got our guest bed so I've been trying to get that room ready for Ashley's visit next month. I'm teaching myself some new recipes as well, tonight I'm going to make adobo, it's a filipino dish, kind of like stew.
It's amazing just how hard it is to keep up with house work, I'll be cleaning all day long and it'll seem that I haven't gotten much accomplished at all! How irritating is that? I try though...
Other then all that, we are trying to get things set in place for our visit home, Tim's leave packet has made it to quite a few people to be signed, I think only 2 more people need to sign their approval and we'll be good, not sure what we have to do once that's done..I guess just purchase our plane tickets! I really wish I could have done that a long time ago though because fare prices have gone up $200.
Our Command Sponsor paperwork keeps coming back to us!! Tim just took it to captain King this time and asked her what all needed to be finished because it gets to S1 and they look at it and tell us one thing at a time that isn't finished correctly and send it back, so it's like everyweek we are geting it back and have to make changes then send it to them just for them to send it right back. Anyways, King just wrote down everything she saw was wrong and Tim now just has to take it to the people that didn't finish filling out whatever areas. Ugh, people are so frustrating.. I just want it to be done so that I can get the rest of our belongings moved here finaly!
Well, I would love to update more but I really have a lot to get done today so I better get to it!

Tuesday 7 April 2009


Hey Everyone, I had a little time to kill before I have to run errands.. so just wanted to give some updates!
Tim and I are doing wonderful here in korea, we have found some really great places to shop and eat. In fact, there is a ribs place we go to just about every week now! The food is awesome! We get to grill our own ribs and they bring out sides of vegetables and a macaroni/crab salad, this really good vegetable soup, it's really spicy but we have gotten used to spicey since moving here =). The owners there have memorized what we eat so we don't even have to order anymore!

We FINALY got our command sponsor paperwork in! I think I told you we already did earlier, but it came back to us saying I had to get a checkup at the TMC to make sure I wasn't retarded. That was really frustrating, and they tried sending it back another time saying some information was wrong, but it was stuff that we hadn't even filled out it had to be someone at the office there. So anyways, everythings taken care of and hopefuly they will just approve the darn thing already!
We've been looking into geting a car here, it's one of the things we are permited here. We were just going to have Tim's car sent here but we would have to pay for that and it would cost us in the thousands, so it doesn't make any sense when I was going to buy a car soon anyways and they will send it home for free. I've already contacted someone who had put an ad in the stars and stripes paper.. so we're waiting on that info. I'm really excited to get a car! I am so sick of cab drivers and them ripping us off, never knowing if they are going to take us where we want to go!
Oh, and we got a computer!!! It's really nice, HP.. I don't really know much about it, Tim's the one that picked it out but he said the storage on there is good size, graphics are great and it's really fast. we got a monitor to go with it for pretty cheap too. I'm pretty sure we bought this for cheaper then what our laptop was! And this one is so much I am happy. =)

One thing I have done here, is learned to cook! haha! I must say.. I'm pretty amazing. =) I found this chili recipe that is exquisite! Tim's favorite is my fried tacos, it's probably the least healthy thing on earth! I am so excited that it is warming up now! I am hoping to grill soon, maybe on easter?
Wow, it is almost easter.. Margaret is supposed to have her baby next week!! I can't even believe how soon that is!!! I have been spoiling that child way too much though, and I am going to keep on spoiling her! Haha I love being an aunt.
Okay, well I really need to get going now, get some stuff done!
More later.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Wow has it been awhile since I have updated. Still no computer.

It has been sooo busy!! Tim and I are having a great time together here! We have found so many new things in our own city in the last couple of months.. new areas, stores, resteraunts. It's been a really cool adventure here.

I think I have mentioned before of these places they have all over Uijeongbu, where you rent your own little room that has couches and a big screen and you rent a movie and can watch it there for like 8,000Won=$5. Well, Tim and I just discovered this place where you rent your own kareoke room for 15,000Won per hour, and it's like the same thing big couches, big screen and they even have some cool lighting like disco balls. Anyways, we had a BLAST there singing all these different songs, I believe Tim even sang an O-town song to me..All or nothing. =) We ended up staying there 2 hours, but they only charged us for nice.

Also, we have discovered this store called Homeplus, it's basically a 4 story walmart.. really big. We go there a lot whenever we need something for the apartment.

In the last couple of months, I have re-learned how to crochet and have started a couple of projects for my neice that is due in 2 months.. It gives me something to do when I have free-time.

Tim is still working hard and crazy hours.. He goes back and forth from regular schedule to the couple days on couple days off schedule, it's hard to get used to and be able to sleep well. There are times that he is working everyday and even through 4-day weekends everyone else is geting and then there are times that he will have like 6-8 days off at a time.. It makes it difficult to ever make plans because since he is in communications and works in the main hub he is basically on call. So if someone wants to go up in system he goes into work at a moments notice.

We have been planning our trip back home and hope to leave around July 1st, and be home for a full month. His sister, Ashley, is hoping to come in June to visit so we are super excited for that! We are just so homesick though, can't wait to see everyone this summer...then we will have another year here in korea.

At the moment we are waiting for our command sponsor packet to be approved. Tim says it has made it past the first 5 people to sign it and had like 3-4 more to go then it'll go to yongson or something to the actual office and then back to us. sooo...we'll give it a month. Once that is signed we will hopefuly be able to get the rest of our things here, including our car! yay for that. I will just say, I have had ENOUGH of the taxi drivers here.

Well, it is really late, and I believe my NyQuil has finally kicked nighty night for me.

Hope everyone is doing well.