Wednesday 17 September 2008

09-17-08:Chapter 5

I'm going to be an aunt!!! =) Margaret has now spilled the beans that she is a couple months pregnant. She doesn't blog so I will be the one to share her secret with the online world. I'm not sure exactly how far along she is, I think she will be due sometime in April though, more updates on that as I find out though.
As for me and Tim, not much is going on... Tim has been worn out a lot lately with his unstable schedule, he's been working a lot of nights off and on. He hardly ever knows when his hours are until the day before so he doesn't usually get a lot of sleep. Sometimes he works from 9-5(with p.t. at 6am) other days he'll work 6a-6p(or vise versa) today he is working from 9a-9p. It's very frustrating, and difficult for me to keep him happy... he tends to get a little grouchy without his sleep. poor guy.
I of course have just been keeping up with the apartment, and just trying to take care of my dear ol' husband. I mentioned before of how we really want to move, well, yesterday I went down to the real estate office and spoke to a lady there about the SK apartments(the one's our friends live in) sounds like there will be one open in a couple of months when we are ready to move. This afternoon, I have an appointment with her to go tour the apartment, even though I have been in our friends a few times, it'll give me a chance to ask her any questions that we have. I can't wait to be in a nicer place! We are deffinetly living in the ghetto, of the ghetto.

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