Thursday 23 April 2009

April 23, 2009

First things first, I am an auntie!!!! =) Sooo excited about this. Margaret gave birth to her first child, Elena Lupita Howell on April 20th at 9:55 A.M. She is 7lb 12 oz, 21in long. She is just so precious and beautiful! I cannot wait to meet her in July!! It's really quite frustrating only being able to see pictures of her.
Tim and I have been quite busy lately. He's been working almost every day for the last 12 days..the beginning of last week he had warrior stakes on mon-tue, it's a huge competition between all the companies at CRC to challenge them physically, he had several different races and ruck marches. So, that just drained his energy completely. Then he had to work shift the rest of the week and now this week he's started softball practice.
I've been busy trying to keep him happy, and take care of things. We just got our guest bed so I've been trying to get that room ready for Ashley's visit next month. I'm teaching myself some new recipes as well, tonight I'm going to make adobo, it's a filipino dish, kind of like stew.
It's amazing just how hard it is to keep up with house work, I'll be cleaning all day long and it'll seem that I haven't gotten much accomplished at all! How irritating is that? I try though...
Other then all that, we are trying to get things set in place for our visit home, Tim's leave packet has made it to quite a few people to be signed, I think only 2 more people need to sign their approval and we'll be good, not sure what we have to do once that's done..I guess just purchase our plane tickets! I really wish I could have done that a long time ago though because fare prices have gone up $200.
Our Command Sponsor paperwork keeps coming back to us!! Tim just took it to captain King this time and asked her what all needed to be finished because it gets to S1 and they look at it and tell us one thing at a time that isn't finished correctly and send it back, so it's like everyweek we are geting it back and have to make changes then send it to them just for them to send it right back. Anyways, King just wrote down everything she saw was wrong and Tim now just has to take it to the people that didn't finish filling out whatever areas. Ugh, people are so frustrating.. I just want it to be done so that I can get the rest of our belongings moved here finaly!
Well, I would love to update more but I really have a lot to get done today so I better get to it!

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